The Centralia Museum is Rich in History
Many items in the house belonged to the Chance family with the balance of items having been donated by area residents. A great example of Chance family items is the Three Graces marble statuary that was made especially to sit under the front staircase.

Dining Room
The dining room features a large dining room table set with three additional table leaves which are stored in the attic.
A complete set of Homer Laughlin items to prepare for the day – China bowl, pitchers, chamber pot, etc. are displayed in bottom of dining room case. They were sold in Sears (note catalog ad showing these items as a set sold for less than $5). The set was a gift from Jewel Browder.
The original chandelier was returned to Museum in 2011. Various silver pieces are from the estate of Annabelle Howard left to Museum in her will.

Living Room
The 1876 Bradbury Square Grand Piano was donated by the Iman family.
The fainting couch was donated by the Harold Elliott family. Ladies would recline on such a couch to regain their breath, if corsets were too tight.
The living sofa and chair belonged to the Chance family as did the two large mirrors The Austrian vases on the mantel were purchased by Mrs. Chance on the World tour in 1927/28. The marble topped table, from estate of Annabel Howard, has a carved dog on the lower shelf. Mr. Fountain’s framed pocket watch, displayed on the marble top table is said to have been traded for a horse, early 1800s when as a young man was traveling west in search of gold.
This room is dedicated to the Chance Family and the Chance Company. It was completely updated in 2021 to show important items and happenings from 1907.
Chance Company made military items during war, including bomb lugs. Model T Ford piston rings were early year products. Other items produced include cast iron pans, aluminum play ground equipment and porcelain insulators.
In 1973 $65 cable cutters were modified to help save Sky Lab II, when solar panels would not open. Admiral Byrd used Chance Anchors on 2nd Exposition to South Pole.
Albert Bishop Chance’s Room
The room is where AB did his dreaming and inventing. It shows disciplined organization with cabinets and drawers numbered, giving location in alphabetical order. The Bins can be removed and taken to work bench or tilted our to retrieve contents.
During the depression factory people could work here if they had bills and there was no work at the factory.
Note: Every inch of space is used for storage. Has been left as it was in 1949.